Commercial Drivers Face 3rd Lane Violations in CA (vehicle code 22348(c))

Commercial Drivers Face 3rd Lane Violations in CA (vehicle code 22348(c)) California’s highways operate under a ‘Basic Speed Law.’ The law decrees that one shall never drive faster than is safe for the current conditions. Thus, driving at 40 mph on a 55 mph zone highway may as easily put you  →

California Vehicle Code 23222(b) VC Driving in Possession of Marijuana Is Now Easier to Fight

California Vehicle Code 23222(b) VC Driving in Possession of Marijuana Is Now Easier to Fight Things have changed in California since November as regards the legal possession of marijuana or cannabis while driving a motor vehicle. With the passage of Proposition 64, it became legal to purchase and possess less than one ounce (28.4 grams)  →