Having no proof of insurance can be very costly, especially if you get stopped by the police and are issued a ticket. In some cases, being cited for an insurance violation can carry fines up to $870. However, if you have valid proof of correction for an insurance violation, you have options that can potentially prevent you from having to pay any expensive fines.
Listed below are California’s valid proof(s) of correction for insurance violations.
Financial Responsibility on the Date of the Insurance Violation
Firstly, having proof of insurance is showing that you have financial responsibility on the date of the insurance violation.
According to the law in California Vehicle Code 16028a, having valid proof of correction entails 3 factors: (1) “Upon the demand of a peace office pursuant to subdivision; (2) or upon the demand of a peace officer or traffic collision investigator pursuant to subdivision; (3) or every person who drives a motor vehicle upon a highway shall provide evidence of financial responsibility for the vehicle that is in effect at the time the demand is made.
The evidence of financial responsibility may be provided using a mobile electronic device. However, a peace officer shall not stop a vehicle for the sole purpose of determining whether the vehicle is being driven in violation of this subdivision.”
- If you’re able to show proof of correction under these 3 factors, a $25.00 fee will be applied for each violation that has proof of correction; but if you’re unable to provide proof of correction that’s deemed acceptable, you will be issued a fine in its full amount.
- Keep in mind that police officers can consider your insurance violation non-correctable. When this occurs, the police officer will check “No” on the issued ticket where it asks if the “violation is correctable”.
- In this case as well, you will be required to pay the full amount on or before your court date.
Your Proof of Correction Options
As long as you don’t stop a police officer on any roads or highways, any police officer can validate your proof of correction; in most cases, this is simply done by using the back side of the issued citation. If no police officers are available, you can go to any law enforcement office at their normal business hours and they will be able to further assist you with your proof of correction options.
Also, if you have no prior record of receiving any insurance violations, yet happen to receive one, you might be applicable for the following options:
- If you received an insurance violation citation yet can show proof of insurance at the time you were cited, your fine will be deduced to $25.00; and
- If you acquired insurance for your vehicle after the insurance violation citation, your fine amount may get reduced to paying roughly half of the original amount.
A few more things to consider when attempting to validate your proof of insurance:
- You cannot “self-certify” your valid proof of correction.
- You cannot show proof of correction over the phone or through the internet.
- Even if you sell your vehicle, you’re still responsible for correcting the insurance violation citation.
Always remember, if you can’t find or obtain proof of insurance, you must pay the full amount of the fine before or on the court date issued on the ticket, and/or appear in court on the court date issued on the ticket.
As previously stated, an insurance violation can become quite costly. The best way to avoid any and all legal troubles and citations is to obtain insurance before putting your vehicle on the road. And if that’s not possible, or you do find yourself being issued a citation, go immediately to the nearest insurance company to obtain coverage, that way you’ve put yourself in the best position for the possibility of being able to show proof of correction.
[Image: https://www.flickr.com/photos/blmurch/5104268148/]
Scott Desind
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