Most drivers would like to believe they drive responsibly; amazed when they’re stopped by a law enforcement officer. You offer up every explanation for the mishap including you’re late for soccer practice or you’re running late for work. Unfortunate, the →
Unfortunately, it’s been a busy day at the office and you’re running late for your child’s soccer practice. Your full of anxiety because you thrive on being on time and you went through a yellow caution light to get to →
Having no proof of insurance can be very costly, especially if you get stopped by the police and are issued a ticket. In some cases, being cited for an insurance violation can carry fines up to $870. However, if you →
It has been a long-held belief that people who drive flashy red sports cars are far more likely to get pulled over and ticketed than, say, a person driving a white sedan. While this may not necessarily be true, statistics →
Getting a traffic ticket is something most people are desperate to avoid. The only problem is that many people tend to drive in a way that actually increases their chances of being ticketed instead of adopting defensive driving tactics designed →
Car accidents can and do occur anywhere at any time. For this reason, it is important that drivers are aware of their responsibilities following an accident. Knowing exactly what you should and shouldn’t do following an accident can help to →
Getting pulled over and issued a traffic citation is never an enjoyable experience. If you’re like most people, the last thing you’ll want to do is have to pay a huge fine simply because you made a minor mistake. For →
California Vehicle Code 21806 (A)(1) states that all vehicles must yield to emergency vehicles. In order to do so, drivers must pull over to the right-hand side or curb, to allow approaching emergency vehicles passage. Police officers often follow closely →
If you drive a vehicle requiring a commercial driver’s license (CDL) in the State of California, it might be wise to brush up on the state vehicle codes. Many California vehicle code provisions hold commercial drivers to a higher standard →
Over the best few decades, red light cameras have become an ubiquitous part of the landscape. Things have now gotten to the point where they dot almost every major intersection in the country, and in some places, virtually every intersection →