Driving always has the potential to be hazardous, and there’s no telling when you might have to take evasive action or find yourself getting into an accident due to the aggressive or distracted actions of other motorists. Still, nothing increases →
You are off to a lousy start. Your alarm did not go off, you ran out of hot water in the shower and spilled your coffee in your lap getting on the interstate. Pushing the speed limit to make it →
We live in a hectic world. Our daily lives are packed full of work, family, and social obligations. We are in a seemingly never ending cycle of running against time; rushing to and from work, or hurrying from this appointment →
Fighting 22350 Basic Speed Violation and 22349(a) Maximum Speed tickets in Los Angeles Metro can be a challenging process. It is especially hard if someone doesn’t know how to fight the violation. No matter the location, getting a ticket citation →
Nobody likes to be pulled over by a police officer. Most of us have experienced this heart pounding moment and we all feel the stress. It may be even more stressful when you experience the traffic stop in a large →
Chatsworth is in the northwestern section of Los Angeles, nestled in the San Fernando Valley. Unfortunately, this neighborhood has several areas where law enforcement officers hand out traffic tickets on a regular basis. →
If the driver of any vehicle is approaching a stop sign at an intersection or the entrance, he or she is required to stop at a limit line. The other option is to stop before entering the crosswalk that is →
Many drivers know what a busy morning is like; trying to make up some time on the commute, and spending a little less time than we should at that stop sign. Maybe you pause for a split second, make sure →
Getting pulled over for speeding is an everyday occurrence of the roads of Santa Monica. One never realizes that they are over speeding until they look into their rear mirror and see the patrol car signaling them to pull over. →
A law regulating the use of cellphones while driving is something every driver in California needs to be aware of before getting behind the wheel. California drivers may not hold their cellphones while driving. The fact that laws prohibiting California →